Friday 29 April 2016

Watch “Rise Of The Orishas” - African superheroes in action

Here is an interesting short film about deities and mysterious energy. Whether we care to admit it or not, as we (Nigerians) continue to adopt western cultures, our traditional beliefs and folklores continue to die off. While in some cases change is a good thing, the stories need to be documented in some kind of format be it visual, audio or text for the next generation.
For Nigerian writer, director and producer Nosa Igbinedion, "Oya: Rise Of The Orishas” is how he captures the tales of mystic powers existing in the modern world.
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Igbinedion’s production company shared Oya: Rise of The Orishas in full online. They also revealed that the Oya project has been adapted for the silver screen with principal photography on the feature-length film version scheduled to begin later this year in Brazil. The London-based filmmaker shared it hat he made the short film in order to prove that there is a market for sci-fi films revolving around African characters and storylines. In this regard, Oya joins Ethiopian post-apocalyptic flick Crumbs in forging a path for future film projects from the continent within the realm of speculative fiction. In addition to the full-length project, Oya‘s creators have also confirmed plans for a comic book adaptation of the film, which is currently available for pre- order.
Watch Movie here :

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